GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Title of Dataset: Cybersecurity Decision-making Exercise 1 2. Author Information A. Principal Investigator Contact Information Name: Kristen Kuhn Institution: Coventry University Address: Priory St, Coventry CV1 5FB, United Kingdom Email: B. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name:Salih Bicakci Institution: Kadir Has University Address: Cibali, Kadir Has Cd., 34083 Cibali / Fatih/Fatih/İstanbul, Turkey Email: C. Associate or Co-investigator Contact Information Name: Siraj Shaikh Institution: Coventry University Address: Priory St, Coventry CV1 5FB, , United Kingdom Email: 3. Date of data collection: 2020-03-12 4. Geographic location of data collection: Ankara, Turkey 5. Information about funding sources that supported the collection of the data: This research was funded by the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and Lloyds Register Foundation. SHARING/ACCESS INFORMATION 1. Licenses/restrictions placed on the data: N/A 2. Links to publications that cite or use the data: A. B. 3. Was data derived from another source? No 4. Recommended citation for this dataset: Kuhn, K., Bicakci, S., and Shaikh, S. (2020). Cybersecurity Decision-making Exercise 1 [Data set]. Coventry University. DATA & FILE OVERVIEW 1. File List: A. Pre-exercise Questions_Template : The questions asked to each individual participant before the exercise. B. Scenario Questions_Template: Group response sheet for the exercise, corresponding to the questions lists in the Game Presentation. C. Game Presentation: This presentation includes game instructions, scenarios, and the text which correspond to the Scenario Questions. D. Results_Pre-exercise Questions: These include the collected and anonymised data gathered from the response of participants to the Pre-exercise Questions. E. Results_Scenario Questions: These include the collected and anonymised data gathered from the response of participant groups to the Scenario Questions. F. Informed Consent Form_CU_Template: This is a template of the informed consent form that was given and signed by exercise participants. Please note that this is Coventry University document and is included here to demonstrate how the researchers prepared for data collection. G. Participant Information Sheet_CU_Template: This is a template of the participant information sheet that was given to exercise participants. Please note that this is Coventry University document and is included here to demonstrate how the researchers prepared for data collection. 2. Additional related data collected that was not included in the current data package: While templates of the Pre-exercise Questions and Scenario Questions are provided here for the purpose of replication, along with the collected and anonymised results from this study, the completed individual and group participant response sheets are not included in this data-set due to stipulations on Data Protection and Confidentiality, as outlined in the Participant Information Sheet for this study. 3. Are there multiple versions of the dataset? No METHODOLOGICAL INFORMATION 1. Description of methods used for collection/generation of data: War-gaming method (see links to publications listed above for more information on experimental design and protocols used in data collection). 2. Methods for processing the data: The participant data gathered from Pre-exercise Questions and Scenario Questions was collected and analysed (see results for each). 3. People involved with sample collection, processing, analysis and/or submission: Kristen Kuhn, Principal Investigator